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Welcome to my website! I'm commonly known as smk or sudomoon online. I'm passionate about technology and enjoy exploring various facets of the tech world. Here's a brief overview of what you'll find on this site:


This website serves as a repository of knowledge and insights gathered throughout my journey in the tech industry. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, you'll find valuable resources, tutorials, and reflections here.


The content on this site covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Programming languages and coding
  • Development tools and environments
  • Systems and servers
  • Data and databases
  • Web development and microservices
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Interview skills, such as problem-solving and system design
  • Essential skills for engineers

Blog: For more in-depth discussions and personal insights, check out my blog at It features short articles and fragments of information on various tech-related topics. Visit my personal site as well at

Contact: Feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected] or [email protected]

Current Endeavors🔗

I'm currently working as an engineer at JP Morgan Chase & Co., and I actively contribute to the FreeBSD project. My interests span a wide range of areas, including:

  • Programming and software development
  • Gaming, particularly on Minetest servers
  • Music, with a penchant for classic rock and indie artists
  • Reading, with a diverse taste in both technical and non-technical literature


Here are some projects I've worked on:

  • BootBaker: A tool for bootstrapping FreeBSD systems
  • Comprehensive book summaries and notes on various topics
  • A blog featuring tech-related articles
  • VPS Setup: Scripts for setting up virtual private servers
  • Minetest Mods: Custom mods for the Minetest game
  • Minetest Servers: Hosting various Minetest servers for gaming communities
  • CareQuest: A platform for medical service load balancing
  • FunCharge: An interactive web application for EV owners
  • Nodejs Blogs: A blog site built with Node.js
  • Handlr: A study project developed using Node.js, Semantic UI, Bootstrap, and MongoDB

I'm always eager to learn and explore new technologies, so stay tuned for updates and new projects!