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  1. Data Structures

    • Elementary Data Structures
    • Abstract Data Structures
    • Recursion & Trees
  2. Sorting

    • Elementary Sorting Strategies
    • Quicksort
    • Mergesort
    • Priority Queues & Heapsort
    • Radix Sort
  3. Searching

    • Binary Search
    • BSTs
    • Hashing
    • Radix Search
  4. Graph Algorithms - Graph Search

  5. Problem Solving Paradigm


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// ---> Notes from classes

Advanced Algorithms🔗

  • GeoHash
  • Quadtree
  • Consistent Hashing
  • Token Bucket
  • Trie
  • Rsync
  • Raft/Paxos
  • Bloomfilter
  • Merkle Tree
  • HyperLogLog
  • Count-min Sketch
  • Hiearchical timing wheels
  • Operational Transformation