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Reliable, Scalable and Maintainable Applications🔗

  • Many applications these days are data-intensive as opposed to compute-intensive
  • A data-intensive application is typically built around standard building blocks providing common needed functionality like
    • Store data so that they, or another application can find it later (databases)
    • Remember the result of expensive operation to speed up reads (caches)
    • allow users to search data by keyword or filter in various ways (search indexes)
    • send a message to another process, to be handled asynchronously (stream processing)
    • periodically crunch a large amount of accumulated data (batch processing)
  • If above building blocks sound obvious because these data systems are successful abstraction.

Thinking about Data Systems🔗

  • we typically think of databases, queue, caches as different tools because of their different access pattern and use cases, but ultimately all store data for some time
  • With the onset of tools like Apache Kafka(message queue with database durability), Redis(datastore and message queue) this boundary is further blurred
  • Many Applications these days has wide range of requirements which a single tool can’t deliver. Usually work is broken in tasks to processed on a single data sytems efficiently which work in harmony with application code to process large volumes of data.
  • Designing any new data system entails following problems to be solved
    • Ensuring data remains correct and complete, even if things go wrong internally
    • providing good performance to client when some part of system are degraded
    • how do you scale to handle increase in load
    • what does a good API for service look like
  • External factors that do affect design process
    • Skills and experience of people involved
    • legacy system depencies and technical debt
    • timescale of delievery
    • organisation’s tolerance for risk and regulatory constraints


