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Kubernetes Patterns for Application Developers🔗

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Multi-Container Patterns🔗

Why Pods ?🔗

  • pods are abstraction above containers but why ?
  • Kubernetes needs additional information
  • simplifies using different underlying container runtimes like docker or rocket
  • co-locate tightly coupled containers without packaging them as a single image


Sidecar Pattern🔗

  • uses a helper container to assist a primary container
  • commonly used for logging, file syncing, watchers
  • benefit inlcude leaner main container, failure isolation, independent update cycles
  • File Sync Sidecar Example
    • primary container : web-server, sidecar : content puller
    • content puller & web-server share a single volume within pod, in which content puller fetches latest files from CMS and keeps both containers in sync via volume.

Ambassador Pattern🔗

  • ambassador container is a proxy for communicating to and from the primary container
  • commonly used for communicating with databases
  • streamlined development experience, potential to reuse ambassador across language
  • Database Ambassador Example:
    • primary container : web-app
    • ambassador : database-proxy
    • web app handles request
    • database requests are sent to database proxy over localhost
    • database proxy then forwards the requests to appropriate database
    • possibly sharding the request

Adaptor Pattern🔗

  • adapter present a standardized interface across multiple pods
  • commonly used for normalizing output logs and monitoring data
  • adapts third-party software to meet your needs

Example Changes logging format from txt to json

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: adapted-pod
  - name: app
    image: alpine:3.9.2
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
    - while true; do 
        date > /metrics/raw.txt;
        top -n 1 -b >> /metrics/raw.txt;
        sleep 5;
    # Share metric data between containers
    - name: metrics
      mountPath: /metrics
  - name: adapter
    image: httpd:2.4.38-alpine
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
    # Adapt the legacy output to standard monitoring format
    - while true; do 
        date=$(head -1 /metrics/raw.txt);
        memory=$(head -2 /metrics/raw.txt | tail -1 | grep -o -E '\d+\w' | head -1);
        cpu=$(head -3 /metrics/raw.txt | tail -1 | grep -o -E '\d+%' | head -1);
        echo "{\"date\":\"$date\",\"memory\":\"$memory\",\"cpu\":\"$cpu\"}" > /metrics/adapted.json;
        sleep 5;
    # Share metric data between containers
    - name: metrics
      mountPath: /metrics
  - name: metrics


Networking Basics🔗

  • each pod has one unique IP, while all containers inside pod share this one IP and communicate with each other freely
  • Networking Plugins enables Pod to Pod Communication


  • maintains a service replica pods selected based on labels to keep track of the pod during pods lifetime
  • maintains a list of endpoints as pods are added and removed from the set
  • can send request to any pod in the set
  • clients of service only need to know about the service rather than specific pods
  • pods can discover services via environment variables as long they are created after service or by using DNS Addon and IP Resolution
  • ClusterIP service is only reachable within cluster. Kubeproxy cluster component that runs on each node is responsible for proxying the request for the service to one of the services endpoint.
  • NodePort service allows any port to be open outside the cluster
  • LoadBalancer Service exposes the service externally through a cloud providers load balancer. Also creates ClusterIP and NodePort
  • External Name : external service enabled by DNS, used for Database as a Service or other things

Network Policy🔗

  • Rules for controlling network access to Pods
  • Similar to security groups controlling access to virtual machines
  • scoped to namespace
  • Caveat
    • kubernetest network plugin must support network policy
    • example : calico, canal, flannel etc.
  • Non-isolated pod : accepts traffic from anywhere
  • Isolated pods are non-isolated pods once selected by network policy
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-us-east
  namespace: network-policy
  # Which Pods the policy applies to
      app: server
  - Ingress
  - Egress
  - from:
    # Supports podSelector, namespaceSelector, and ipBlock
    - podSelector:
          region: us-east
    ports: # If not present allows all ports 
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8888
  - to: # Allows all traffic when empty

Block one-IP

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: block-one-ip
  namespace: network-policy
      app: server
  - Egress
  - to:
    - ipBlock:
        cidr:         # all ips


Service Accounts🔗

  • provide an identity to Pods in the cluster
  • stored in, and managed by the cluster
  • scoped to namespace
  • service account are compatible with RBAC(Role-Based Access Control)
  • pods have a token mounted on a volume that can be used to authenticate requests
  • default service account token has no additional permission than an unauthenticated user


# kube api service accounts
kubectl get -n kube-system serviceaccounts | more

# finding roles in coredns serviceaccount
kubectl describe -n kube-system clusterrole system:coredns

Image Pull Secrets🔗

  • image pull secrets authenticate with private container registries
  • service accounts can also store image pull secrets

Leveraging kubectl🔗

Shell Completion🔗

  • get all commands: kubectl | more
  • get all completion commands: kubectl completion --help
  • enable completion in shell: source <(kubectl completion bash) (Add to .bashrc for enabling it every login)
  • Now kubectl <TAB> should work. Try : kubectl get <TAB>
  • with completion enabled you can even autocomplete resource types but you can use short names
  • To get entire list of completion : kubectl api-resource

get Tricks🔗

  • getting specific pods with labels : kubectl get pods --all-namespace -L <label_name> -l [filter_label_name]
  • sort by the fields : kubectl get pods -n kube-system --sort-by=metadata.creationTimestamp or more correctlykubectl get pods -n kube-system --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}
  • output yaml for get commands: kubectl get pods -n kube-system kube-proxy-<hash> --output=yaml
  • To print ip and sort by ip: kubectl get pods -n kube-system --sort-by='{.status.podIP}' -o wide

Generating Manifests🔗

  • creating resources without manifests: kubectl create -h | less
  • try creating namespace : kubectl create namespace tips -o yaml --dry-run
  • Redirect output to mkdir tips : kubectl create ns tips -o yaml --dry-run > tips/1-namespaec.yaml
  • Create a nginx deployments : kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80 --replicas=2 --expose --dry-run -o yaml
  • exporting a resource: kubectl get pods -n kube-system kube-proxy-<hash> -o yaml --export

Explaining Fields🔗

  • kubectl explain -h | less
  • to get information about a fields : kubectl explain pod | more
  • more information : kubectl explain pod.spec.containers.resources | more