Installing yt-dlp🔗
# install yt-dlp
brew install yt-dlp ffmpeg fprobe
# put all your youtube links in a file separated by new file
echo "SOME_YT_URL" >> playlist.txt
# get cookies.txt file, install cookies.txt mozilla extension
# login into yt and run the extension to download the file or
yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt --cookies-from-browser firefox
# downloading entire list of videos
yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt -a playlist.txt
# downloading a playlist
Universal Clipboard not working correctly even when handoff is enabled and both iphone and macbook are on same network
defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ ClipboardSharingEnabled 1
Above command explicity enables it. Sometimes due to glitch its possible copy work in one direction then just restart the macbook.