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Introducing Microservices🔗

What are Microservices🔗

An architectural style where autonomous, independently deployable services collaborate to form an application.

The Problem of Monoliths🔗

Monoliths :

  • Single Process
  • Single Codebase
  • Single Host
  • Single databse
  • Consistent Technology

Benefits are Simplicity, One Codebase (easy to find errors), single Deployments. Monoliths are not wrong approach but they are sometimes are not desirable for example.

  • Monoliths works well for small application
  • Problem of scaling (Horizontal Scaling often not possible, Vertical scaling is expensive, whole application needs to scaled)
  • Increasing Complexity
  • Modular Monoliths often becomes very dependent on each other.
  • Difficult to Deploy (Risky, Requires downtime).
  • Wedded to legacy technology.

Distributed Monoliths divided in to multiple services which share same database is not same as Microservices.

The Benefits of Microservices🔗

  • Small Services ( Can be owned by a team)
  • Easier to Understand, Rewritten
  • Adopt new technology
  • Standardize where it makes sense
  • Loose Coupling allows individual deployment, Lower risk, minimize downtime.
  • Frequent Updates
  • Scale services individually and Cost Effect
  • Adapt rapidly and Easier to Reuse

The Challenges of Microservices🔗

  • Developer Productivity, How easy can we make it for devs to be productive working on system.
  • Complex Interaction, Take care to avoid inefficient, chatty communication between microservices
  • Automated Deployments are must
  • Monitoring is needed because a centralized place to check logs and monitor for problems.

Introducing the Demo Application🔗

Use this link Repo.

E-commerce is well known problem statement. Main focus would be on learning Microservices.