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Structured API Overview๐Ÿ”—

  • The Structured APIs allows manipulation of all sorts of data from CSV(semi-structured) or Parquet(highly structured because schema validation happens at the write time)
  • APIs refer to three core types of distributed collection APIs
    • Datasets
    • DataFrames
    • SQL tables and views

DataFrames and Datasets๐Ÿ”—

Spark has two notions of structured collections : DataFrames and Datasets.

  • Both are (distributed) table like collections with rows and columns
    • Each column must have same number of rows as all other columns
    • Each column type has type information that must be consistent in every row in collection.
  • To spark both represent immutable, lazily evaluated plans that specify what operations to apply to data residing at a location to generate some output.


  • Schema defines the column names and types of a Dataframe
  • Can be defined or read from data source (schema on read)

Overview of Structured Spark Types๐Ÿ”—

  • Spark is effectively a programming languages that uses a engine Catalyst that maintains its own type information through the planning and processing of the work.
  • Even if we use dynamically typed language most of these operation still operate strictly on Spark Types, not python.

DataFrames vs DataSets๐Ÿ”—

Within structured APIs, there are two more APIs

  • untyped DataFrames : slight inaccurate representation, they have types but they are managed by Spark and only checks whether those types line up to those specified in the schema at runtime.
  • typed Datasets : checks whether types conform to specifications at runtime. Only available in JVM based languages like Scala and Java.

Usages in Languages

  • To spark(in Scala) DataFrames are simply Datasets of Type Row. Making it highly specialized and optimized rather than using JVM types and causing high garbage-collection and object instantiation costs.
  • To spark(in Python or R), there is no such thing as Datasets, everything is a DataFrame and therefore we always operate on that optimized format.
  • NOTE : The Row type is Sparkโ€™s internal representation of its optimized in-memory format for computation


  • represent a simple type like an integer or a string, a complex type like an air or map or null value.


  • A row is nothing more than a record of data. Each record in a DataFrame must be of type Row. e.g. spark.range(2).collect()

Spark Types๐Ÿ”—

  • How to declare a column to be of a specific type.
from pyspark.sql.types import *
b = ByteType()
  • python types at times have certain requirements. Refer this :
Data type Value type in Python API to access or create a data type
ByteType int or long. Note: Numbers will be converted to 1-byte signed integer numbers at runtime. Ensure that numbers are within the range of โ€“128 to 127. ByteType()
ShortType int or long. Note: Numbers will be converted to 2-byte signed integer numbers at runtime. Ensure that numbers are within the range of โ€“32768 to 32767. ShortType()
IntegerType int or long. Note: Python has a lenient definition of โ€œinteger.โ€ Numbers that are too large will be rejected by Spark SQL if you use the IntegerType(). Itโ€™s best practice to use LongType. IntegerType()
LongType long. Note: Numbers will be converted to 8-byte signed integer numbers at runtime. Ensure that numbers are within the range of โ€“9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. Otherwise, convert data to decimal.Decimal and use DecimalType. LongType()
FloatType float. Note: Numbers will be converted to 4-byte single-precision floating-point numbers at runtime. FloatType()
DoubleType float DoubleType()
DecimalType decimal.Decimal DecimalType()
StringType string StringType()
BinaryType bytearray BinaryType()
BooleanType bool BooleanType()
TimestampType datetime.datetime TimestampType()
DateType DateType()
ArrayType list, tuple, or array ArrayType(elementType, [containsNull]). Note: The default value of containsNull is True.
MapType dict MapType(keyType, valueType, [valueContainsNull]). Note: The default value of valueContainsNull is True.
StructType list or tuple StructType(fields). Note: fields is a list of StructFields. Also, fields with the same name are not allowed.
StructField The value type in Python of the data type of this field (for example, Int for a StructField with the data type IntegerType) StructField(name, dataType, [nullable]). Note: The default value of nullable is True.

Overview of Structured API Executions๐Ÿ”—

  • Execution of a single structured API query from user code to executed code.
    1. Write DataFrame/Dataset/SQL Code
    2. If valid code, spark converts this to a Logical Plan
    3. Spark transforms this Logical Plan to a Physical Plan, checking for optimizations along the way.
    4. Spark then executes this Physical Plan (RDD manipulations) on the cluster.


Logical Planning๐Ÿ”—

  • Represents a set of abstract transformations that do not refer to executors or drivers, itโ€™s purely to convert the userโ€™s set of expressions into most optimized versions
  • It does this by converting user code into a unresolved logical plan (valid code still needs to be checked for unknown column references etc.)
  • Spark uses the catalog, a repository of all table and DataFrame information, to resolve columns and tables in the analyzer


Physical Planning (Spark Plan)๐Ÿ”—

  • specifies how the logical plan will execute on the cluster by generating different physical execution strategies and comparing them through a cost model
  • Physical planning results in a series of RDDs and transformations. This result is why you might have heard Spark referred to as a compilerโ€”it takes queries in DataFrames, Datasets, and SQL and compiles them into RDD transformations for you.



  • Spark runs all of this code over RDDs
  • Spark performs further optimizations at runtime, generating native Java bytecode that can remove entire tasks or stages during execution. Finally the result is returned to the user.