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Basic Structured OperationsπŸ”—


  • consists of series of records that are of type Row
  • columns representing a computation expression to be performed on rows
  • Schema representing type of data in each column
  • Partitioning of DataFrame defines the layout of the DataFrame or Dataset’s physical distribution across clusters.


  • schema defines the column names and types of DataFrame.
  • schema is a StructType made up of a number of fields, StructFields that have name, type and a Boolean representing nullability of the column."json").load("/data/flight-data/json/2015-summary.json").schema

# Output
  • NOTE: Schema’s can contain other StructTypes as well.
  • If the types in the data (at runtime) do not match the schema, Spark will throw an error.
# Manual Schema on Read

myManualSchema = StructType([
  StructField("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME", StringType(), True),
  StructField("ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME", StringType(), True),
  StructField("count", LongType(), False, metadata={"hello":"world"})
df ="json").schema(myManualSchema)\

Columns and ExpressionsπŸ”—

  • we can select, manipulate, and remove columns from DataFrames and these operations are called as expressions


# There are multiple ways to construct and refer to columns
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, column
  • Columns are not resolved until we compare the column names with those we are maintaining in the catalog.Column and table resolution happens in the analyzer phase
# referencing a column of a df explicitly


An expression is a set of transformations on one or more values in a record in a DataFrame

  • simplest case is an expression created via the expr function, is just a DataFrame column reference. expr("someCol") is equivalent to col("someCol")

Columns as expressionπŸ”—

  • Columns provide a subset of expression functionality. If you use col() and want to perform transformations on that column, you must perform those on that column reference. When using an expression, the expr function can actually parse transformations and column references from a string and can subsequently be passed into further transformations
  • expr("someCol - 5") is the same transformation as performing col("someCol") - 5, or even expr("someCol") - 5
  • Example : (((col("someCol") + 5) * 200) - 6) < col("otherCol")

Accessing a DataFrame’s columnsπŸ”—

# you could always use printSchema but a more programatic approach is below"json").load("/data/flight-data/json/2015-summary.json")

Records and RowsπŸ”—

  • each row in a DataFrame is a single record. e.g. use df.first() to get one Row
  • Row objects internally represent arrays of bytes. The byte array interface is never shown to users because we only use column expressions to manipulate them.

Creating RowsπŸ”—

  • You can create rows by manually instantiating a Row object with the values that belong in each column.
from pyspark.sql import Row
myRow = Row("Hello", None, 1, False)


DataFrame TransformationsπŸ”—

Creating DataFramesπŸ”—

  • loading from a file
# load the df up
df ="json").load("/data/flight-data/json/2015-summary.json")
  • creating DataFrames on the fly
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, StringType, LongType
myManualSchema = StructType([
  StructField("some", StringType(), True),
  StructField("col", StringType(), True),
  StructField("names", LongType(), False)
myRow = Row("Hello", None, 1)
myDf = spark.createDataFrame([myRow], myManualSchema)

select and selectExprπŸ”—

SQL Equivalents for

SELECT * FROM dataFrameTable
SELECT columnName FROM dataFrameTable
SELECT columnName * 10, otherColumn, someOtherCol as c FROM dataFrameTable

For Dataframes

# selecting one column"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").show(2)
# selecting multiple columns"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME", "ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME").show(2)
# using column expressions
from pyspark.sql.functions import expr, col, column
    expr("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME"),  # most flexible reference

One common error is attempting to mix Column objects and strings. For e.g.

# wrong, will result in error"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME"), "DEST_COUNTRY_NAME")
# contd..
# flexibilty of using expr"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME AS destination")).show(2)

# using alias"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME as destination").alias("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME"))\

# since select is followed by a series of expr is common there is a shorthand selectExpr
df.selectExpr("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME as newColumnName", "DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").show(2)
  • selectExpr is very powerful allowing complext expressions that create new DataFrames
  • we can add any valid non-aggregating SQL statement, as long as the columns resolve.
  "*", # all original columns
#  equivalent sql code
# FROM dfTable
  • we can specify aggregation over entire DataFrames as well
df.selectExpr("avg(count)", "count(distinct(DEST_COUNTRY_NAME))").show(2)
SELECT avg(count), count(distinct(DEST_COUNTRY_NAME)) FROM dfTable LIMIT 2

Converting to Spark Types (Literals)πŸ”—

  • sometimes we need to pass explicit values in Spark that are just a value (rather a new column). This maybe constant or something we compare on later.
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit"*"), lit(1).alias("One")).show(2)

# SELECT *, 1 as One FROM dfTable LIMIT 2

Adding ColumnsπŸ”—

# more formal way to add column
df.withColumn("numberOne", lit(1)).show(2)
# lets make it as an expression
df.withColumn("withinCountry", expr("ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME == DEST_COUNTRY_NAME"))\

Renaming ColumnsπŸ”—

df.withColumnRenamed("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME", "dest").columns
# you could rename multiple columns using

Reserved Characters and KeywordsπŸ”—

  • you could encounter reserved characters like spaces or dashes in column names. To escape these columns properly use β€œ`” (backtick)
# withColum expects first arg to string, thats why it works
dfWithLongColName = df.withColumn(
    "This Long Column-Name",

# for selectExpr this is not the case
    "`This Long Column-Name`",
    "`This Long Column-Name` as `new col`")\

Case SensitivityπŸ”—

  • by default Spark is case insensitive, but can made that way using
set spark.sql.caseSensitive true

Removing ColumnsπŸ”—

# remove single column
# deleting multiple columns

Changing a Column’s Type (cast)πŸ”—

df.withColumn("count2", col("count").cast("long"))

Filtering RowsπŸ”—

# both where and filter are equivalent
df.filter(col("count") < 2).show(2) # expressions
df.where("count < 2").show(2)   # its easy to write

if you want to specify multiple AND filters, just chain them sequentially

df.where(col("count") < 2).where(col("ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME") != "Croatia")\

Getting Unique RowsπŸ”—"ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME", "DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").distinct().count()

Random SamplesπŸ”—

seed = 5
withReplacement = False
fraction = 0.5 # fraction of rows to extract
df.sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed).count()

Random SplitsπŸ”—

dataFrames = df.randomSplit([0.25, 0.75], seed) # two dfs
dataFrames[0].count() > dataFrames[1].count() # False

Concatenating and Appending Rows (Union)πŸ”—

  • even tho DataFrames are immutable. we can use union to append to a DataFrame concatenating two DFs.
  • NOTE: both DF should have same schema and number of columns for union
from pyspark.sql import Row
schema = df.schema
newRows = [
  Row("New Country", "Other Country", 5L),
  Row("New Country 2", "Other Country 3", 1L)
parallelizedRows = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(newRows)
newDF = spark.createDataFrame(parallelizedRows, schema)

# Union
# in Python
  .where("count = 1")\
  .where(col("ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME") != "United States")\

Sorting RowsπŸ”—

# sort
df.orderBy("count", "DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").show(5)
df.orderBy(col("count"), col("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME")).show(5)

# direction of sort using asc and desc functions
from pyspark.sql.functions import desc, asc
df.orderBy(expr("count desc")).show(2)
df.orderBy(col("count").desc(), col("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").asc()).show(2)
  • An advanced tip is to use asc_nulls_first, desc_nulls_first, asc_nulls_last, or desc_nulls_last to specify where you would like your null values to appear in an ordered DataFrame.


df.orderBy(expr("count desc")).limit(6).show()

Repartition and CoalesceπŸ”—

  • Another important optimization opportunity is to partition the data according to some frequently filtered columns, which control the physical layout of data across the cluster including the partitioning scheme and the number of partitions.
  • Repartition will incur a full shuffle of the data, regardless of whether one is necessary. This means that you should typically only repartition when the future number of partitions is greater than your current number of partitions or when you are looking to partition by a set of columns
# we filter on this column often
  • Coalesce, on the other hand, will not incur a full shuffle and will try to combine partitions
df.repartition(5, col("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME")).coalesce(2)

Collecting Rows to the DriverπŸ”—

  • Spark maintains the state of the cluster in the driver, there are times when we could collect some of the data to the driver in order to manipudate it on your local machine.
  • collect gets all data from entire DataFrame, take select the first N rows, and show prints out a number of rows nicely.
collectDF = df.limit(10)
collectDF.take(5) # take works with an Integer count # this prints it out nicely, False)
  • We can also using local iterator to iterate over entire dataset partition-by-partition in a serial manner.