Aggregating is the act of collecting something together. Usually we define aggregations one or more columns. This function must produce one result for each group, given multiple input values.
df ="csv")\
.option("header", "true")\
.option("inferSchema", "true")\
|InvoiceNo|StockCode| Description|Quantity| InvoiceDate|UnitPrice|Cu...
| 536365| 85123A|WHITE HANGING... | 6|12/1/2010 8:26| 2.55| ...
| 536365| 71053|WHITE METAL... | 6|12/1/2010 8:26| 3.39| ...
| 536367| 21755|LOVE BUILDING BLO...| 3|12/1/2010 8:34| 5.95| ...
| 536367| 21777|RECIPE BOX WITH M...| 4|12/1/2010 8:34| 7.95| ...
Basic Aggregations apply to an entire DataFrame. Simplest example is count
- remember count is actually an action as compared to transformation and so it returns immediately.
- We can use
to get an idea of the total size of your dataset but another common pattern is to use it to cache an entire DataFrame in memory.
Aggregation Functionsπ
All aggregations are available as functions, in addition to the special cases that can appear on DataFrames or via .stat
Warning : when you run count(*)
Spark counts null values, including rows with all nulls. However when run a column it will not count null values
from pyspark.sql.functions import approx_count_distinct"StockCode", 0.1)).show() # 3364
first and lastπ
get the first and last values from a DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.functions import first, last"StockCode"), last("StockCode")).show()
min and maxπ
from pyspark.sql.functions import sum, count, avg, expr
Variance and Standard Deviationπ
from pyspark.sql.functions import var_pop, stddev_pop
from pyspark.sql.functions import var_samp, stddev_samp"Quantity"), var_samp("Quantity"),
stddev_pop("Quantity"), stddev_samp("Quantity")).show()
skewness and kurtosisπ
- both are measures of extreme points in data
- skewness measures the asymmetry of the values in your data around the mean
- kurtosis is a measure of the tail of the data.
from pyspark.sql.functions import skewness, kurtosis"Quantity"), kurtosis("Quantity")).show()
Covariance and Correlationπ
from pyspark.sql.functions import corr, covar_pop, covar_samp"InvoiceNo", "Quantity"), covar_samp("InvoiceNo", "Quantity"),
covar_pop("InvoiceNo", "Quantity")).show()
Aggregating to Complex Typesπ
from pyspark.sql.functions import collect_set, collect_list
df.agg(collect_set("Country"), collect_list("Country")).show()
|[Portugal, Italy,...| [United Kingdom, ...|
- usually group operations are done on categorical data for which we group our data on one column and perform some calculations on the other columns that end up in that group
- Its a two phase process : first grouping and then declaring aggregations on it.
Grouping with Expressionsπ
- counting is a bit of a special case because it exists as a method. For this, usually we prefer to use the
function. - Rather than passing that function as an expression into a
statement, we specify it as withinagg
. This makes it possible for you to pass-in arbitrary expressions that just need to have some aggregation specified.
from pyspark.sql.functions import count
| 536596| 6| 6|
| C542604| 8| 8|
Grouping with Mapsπ
- Sometimes, it can be easier to specify your transformations as a series of
for which the key is the column, and the value is the aggregation function (as a string) that you would like to perform.
|InvoiceNo| avg(Quantity)|stddev_pop(Quantity)|
| 536596| 1.5| 1.1180339887498947|
| C542604| -8.0| 15.173990905493518|
Window Functionsπ
- window functions are used to carry out unique aggregations by either computing some aggregation on the
of data, which you define by using a reference to the current data. - Window specification determines which rows will be passed in to this function.
- Difference : group-by takes data, and every row can go only into one grouping. A window function calculates a return value for every input row of a table based on a group of rows, called a frame.Each row can fall into one or more frames.
- A common use case is to take a look at a rolling average of some value for which each row represents one day. If you were to do this, each row would end up in seven different frames.
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, to_date
dfWithDate = df.withColumn("date", to_date(col("InvoiceDate"), "MM/d/yyyy H:mm"))
First step is to create a window specification. Note that the partition by
is an unnrelated to partitioning scheme concept from earlier. It here just defines how we will be breaking up our group.
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import desc
windowSpec = Window\
.partitionBy("CustomerId", "date")\
.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
Now we can use aggregation function to learn more about each specific customer. An example might be establishing the max purchase quantity over all time.
NOTE: this return a column (or expressions). We can now use this in a DataFrame select statement. Before doing so, though, we will create the purchase quantity rank. To do that we use the dense_rank
function to determine which date had the maximum purchase quantity for every customer.
from pyspark.sql.functions import dense_rank, rank
purchaseDenseRank = dense_rank().over(windowSpec)
purchaseRank = rank().over(windowSpec)
# This also returns a column that we can use in select statements. Now we can
# perform a select to view the calculated window
dfWithDate.where("CustomerId IS NOT NULL").orderBy("CustomerId")\
|CustomerId| date|Quantity|quantityRank|quantityDenseRank|maxP...Quantity|
| 12346|2011-01-18| 74215| 1| 1| 74215|
| 12346|2011-01-18| -74215| 2| 2| 74215|
| 12347|2010-12-07| 36| 1| 1| 36|
| 12347|2010-12-07| 30| 2| 2| 36|
| 12347|2010-12-07| 12| 4| 4| 36|
| 12347|2010-12-07| 6| 17| 5| 36|
| 12347|2010-12-07| 6| 17| 5| 36|
Another Example :
window_spec = Window.partitionBy("Department").orderBy("Salary")
ranked_employees = employees.withColumn("Rank", row_number().over(window_spec))
| HR | Eva| 5500| 1|
| HR | David| 6000| 2|
| Sales | Bob| 4000| 1|
| Sales | Charlie| 4500| 2|
| Sales | Alice| 5000| 3|
# two row moving average in a within each department
window_spec_avg = Window.partitionBy("Department").orderBy("Salary").rowsBetween(-1, 1)
moving_avg_employees = employees.withColumn("MovingAvg", avg("Salary").over(window_spec_avg))
|Department|Employee|Salary| MovingAvg|
| HR | Eva| 5500| 5750.0|
| HR | David| 6000| 5750.0|
| Sales | Bob| 4000| 4250.0|
| Sales | Charlie| 4500| 4500.0|
| Sales | Alice| 5000| 4750.0|
Grouping Setsπ
- powerful feature used for aggregating data across multiple dimensions and combinations in a single query.
- Grouping sets are a low-level tool for combining sets of aggregations together. They give you the ability to create arbitrary aggregation in their group-by statements.
Example : we would like to get the total quantity of all stock codes and customers.
-- in SQL
SELECT CustomerId, stockCode, sum(Quantity) FROM dfNoNull
GROUP BY customerId, stockCode
ORDER BY CustomerId DESC, stockCode DESC
| 18287| 85173| 48|
| 18287| 85040A| 48|
| 18287| 85039B| 120|
| 18287| 23269| 36|
-- above problem using GROUPING SETS
SELECT CustomerId, stockCode, sum(Quantity) FROM dfNoNull
GROUP BY customerId, stockCode GROUPING SETS((customerId, stockCode))
ORDER BY CustomerId DESC, stockCode DESC
-- but what if you also want to include the total number of items, regardless of customer or stock code
SELECT CustomerId, stockCode, sum(Quantity) FROM dfNoNull
GROUP BY customerId, stockCode GROUPING SETS((customerId, stockCode),())
ORDER BY CustomerId DESC, stockCode DESC
NOTE: GROUPING SETS are available in SQL only. For DataFrames we will need to use rollups
and cube
Another Example
|Country| Product|Sales|
| USA|ProductA| 100|
| USA|ProductB| 150|
| Canada|ProductA| 200|
| Canada|ProductB| 250|
| Mexico|ProductA| 300|
result = spark.sql("""
SELECT Country, Product, SUM(Sales) as TotalSales
FROM sales
(Country, Product),
ORDER BY Country, Product
|Country| Product| TotalSales|
| Canada| null| 450|
| Canada|ProductA| 200|
| Canada|ProductB| 250|
| Mexico| null| 300|
| Mexico|ProductA| 300|
| USA| null| 250|
| USA|ProductA| 100|
| USA|ProductB| 150|
| null| null| 1000|
| null|ProductA| 600|
| null|ProductB| 400|
- A rollup is a multidimensional aggregation that performs a variety of group-by style calculations for us.
- create a rollup that looks across time (with our new
column) and space (with theCountry
column) and creates a new DataFrame that includes the grand total over all dates, the grand total for each date in the DataFrame, and the subtotal for each country on each date in the DataFrame
rolledUpDF = dfNoNull.rollup("Date", "Country").agg(sum("Quantity"))\
.selectExpr("Date", "Country", "`sum(Quantity)` as total_quantity")\
| Date| Country|total_quantity|
| null| null| 5176450|
|2010-12-01|United Kingdom| 23949|
|2010-12-01| Germany| 117|
|2010-12-01| France| 449|
|2010-12-03| France| 239|
|2010-12-03| Italy| 164|
|2010-12-03| Belgium| 528|
# A null in both rollup columns specifies the grand total across both of those columns
- A cube takes the rollup to a level deeper. Rather than treating elements hierarchically, a cube does the same thing across all dimensions. This means that it wonβt just go by date over the entire time period, but also the country.
To put in question :
- The total across all dates and countries
- The total for each date across all countries
- The total for each country on each date
- The total for each country across all dates
from pyspark.sql.functions import sum dfNoNull.cube("Date", "Country").agg(sum(col("Quantity")))\ .select("Date", "Country", "sum(Quantity)").orderBy("Date").show() +----+--------------------+-------------+ |Date| Country|sum(Quantity)| +----+--------------------+-------------+ |null| Japan| 25218| |null| Portugal| 16180| |null| Unspecified| 3300| |null| null| 5176450| |null| Australia| 83653| ... |null| Norway| 19247| |null| Hong Kong| 4769| |null| Spain| 26824| |null| Czech Republic| 592| +----+--------------------+-------------+
Grouping Metadataπ
Sometimes when using cubes and rollups, you want to be able to query the aggregation levels so that you can easily filter them down accordingly. We can do this by using the grouping_id
, which gives us a column specifying the level of aggregation that we have in our result set.
Grouping ID | Description |
3 | This will appear for the highest-level aggregation, which will gives us the total quantity regardless of customerId and stockCode . |
2 | This will appear for all aggregations of individual stock codes. This gives us the total quantity per stock code, regardless of customer. |
1 | This will give us the total quantity on a per-customer basis, regardless of item purchased. |
0 | This will give us the total quantity for individual customerId and stockCode combinations. |
- pivots makes it possible for you to convert a row into a column. We can then aggregate according to some function for each of those given countries and then display them
Original DataFrame:
|Country| Product|Sales|
| USA|ProductA| 100|
| USA|ProductB| 150|
| Canada|ProductA| 200|
| Canada|ProductB| 250|
| Mexico|ProductA| 300|
| USA|ProductA| 200|
| Canada|ProductA| 300|
pivot_df = df.groupBy("Country").pivot("Product").agg(sum("Sales"))
Pivoted DataFrame:
| Canada| 500| 250|
| USA| 300| 150|
| Mexico| 300| null|
User-Defined Aggregation Functionsπ
- UDAFs are a way for users to define their own aggregation functions based on custom formulae or business rules.
- Spark maintains a single
to store intermediate results for every group of input data. - To create a UDAF, you must inherit from the
base class and implement the following methods:inputSchema
represents input arguments as aStructType
represents intermediate UDAF results as aStructType
represents the returnDataType
is a Boolean value that specifies whether this UDAF will return the same result for a given inputinitialize
allows you to initialize values of an aggregation bufferupdate
describes how you should update the internal buffer based on a given rowmerge
describes how two aggregation buffers should be mergedevaluate
will generate the final result of the aggregation
- Currently only available in Scala or Java