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Data Sources๐Ÿ”—

  • goal here is to give ability to read and write from Sparkโ€™s core data sources and know enough to understand what you should look for when integrating third-party data sources like Cassandra, Hbase, MongoDB, AWS Redshift, XML, etc.

The Structure of the Data Sources API๐Ÿ”—

Read API Structure๐Ÿ”—

DataFrameReader.format(...).option("key", "value").schema(...).load()
  • NOTE: format is optional because by default Spark will use the Parquet format. schema is also optional and by default its inferred.

Basics of Reading Data๐Ÿ”—

  • foundation of reading data in spark is DataFrameReader. We can access this through SparkSession via the read attribute.
# Example of overall read layout"csv")
  .option("mode", "FAILFAST")
  .option("inferSchema", "true")
  .option("path", "path/to/file(s)")

Read Modes๐Ÿ”—

Read mode Description
permissive Sets all fields to null when it encounters a corrupted record and places all corrupted records in a string column called _corrupt_record
dropMalformed Drops the row that contains malformed records
failFast Fails immediately upon encountering malformed records

Write API Structure๐Ÿ”—


Basics of Writing Data๐Ÿ”—

  .option("mode", "OVERWRITE")
  .option("dateFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd")
  .option("path", "path/to/file(s)")

Save Modes๐Ÿ”—

append Appends the output files to the list of files that already exist at that location
overwrite Will completely overwrite any data that already exists there
errorIfExists Throws an error and fails the write if data or files already exist at the specified location (default)
ignore If data or files exist at the location, do nothing with the current DataFrame

CSV Files๐Ÿ”—

CSV stands for comma-separated values. Each line represents a single record, and commas separate each field within a record.

CSV Options๐Ÿ”—

Read/write Key Potential values Default Description
Both sep Any single string character , The single character that is used as separator for each field and value.
Both header true, false false A Boolean flag that declares whether the first line in the file(s) are the names of the columns.
Read escape Any string character \ The character Spark should use to escape other characters in the file.
Read inferSchema true, false false Specifies whether Spark should infer column types when reading the file.
Read ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace true, false false Declares whether leading spaces from values being read should be skipped.
Read ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace true, false false Declares whether trailing spaces from values being read should be skipped.
Both nullValue Any string character โ€œโ€ Declares what character represents a null value in the file.
Both nanValue Any string character NaN Declares what character represents a NaN or missing character in the CSV file.
Both positiveInf Any string or character Inf Declares what character(s) represent a positive infinite value.
Both negativeInf Any string or character -Inf Declares what character(s) represent a negative infinite value.
Both compression or codec None, uncompressed, bzip2, deflate, gzip, lz4, or snappy none Declares what compression codec Spark should use to read or write the file.
Both dateFormat Any string or character that conforms to javaโ€™s SimpleDataFormat. yyyy-MM-dd Declares the date format for any columns that are date type.
Both timestampFormat Any string or character that conforms to javaโ€™s SimpleDataFormat. yyyy-MM-ddโ€™Tโ€™HH๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฒss.SSSZZ Declares the timestamp format for any columns that are timestamp type.
Read maxColumns Any integer 20480 Declares the maximum number of columns in the file.
Read maxCharsPerColumn Any integer 1000000 Declares the maximum number of characters in a column.
Read escapeQuotes true, false true Declares whether Spark should escape quotes that are found in lines.
Read maxMalformedLogPerPartition Any integer 10 Sets the maximum number of malformed rows Spark will log for each partition. Malformed records beyond this number will be ignored.
Write quoteAll true, false false Specifies whether all values should be enclosed in quotes, as opposed to just escaping values that have a quote character.
Read multiLine true, false false This option allows you to read multiline CSV files where each logical row in the CSV file might span multiple rows in the file itself.

Reading/Writing CSV Files๐Ÿ”—

# Reading
csvFile ="csv")\
  .option("header", "true")\
  .option("mode", "FAILFAST")\
  .option("inferSchema", "true")\

# writing
csvFile.write.format("csv").mode("overwrite").option("sep", "\t")\

JSON Files๐Ÿ”—

  • JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation
  • In Spark, when we refer to JSON files, we refer to line-delimited JSON files. This contrasts with files that have a large JSON object or array per file.
  • The line-delimited versus multiline trade-off is controlled by a single option: multiLine. When you set this option to true, you can read an entire file as one json object and Spark will go through the work of parsing that into a DataFrame. Line-delimited JSON is actually a much more stable format because it allows you to append to a file with a new record (rather than having to read in an entire file and then write it out), which is what we recommend that you use.
Read/write Key Potential values Default Description
Both compression or codec None, uncompressed, bzip2, deflate, gzip, lz4, or snappy none Declares what compression codec Spark should use to read or write the file.
Both dateFormat Any string or character that conforms to Javaโ€™s SimpleDataFormat. yyyy-MM-dd Declares the date format for any columns that are date type.
Both timestampFormat Any string or character that conforms to Javaโ€™s SimpleDataFormat. yyyy-MM-ddโ€™Tโ€™HH๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฒss.SSSZZ Declares the timestamp format for any columns that are timestamp type.
Read primitiveAsString true, false false Infers all primitive values as string type.
Read allowComments true, false false Ignores Java/C++ style comment in JSON records.
Read allowUnquotedFieldNames true, false false Allows unquoted JSON field names.
Read allowSingleQuotes true, false true Allows single quotes in addition to double quotes.
Read allowNumericLeadingZeros true, false false Allows leading zeroes in numbers (e.g., 00012).
Read allowBackslashEscapingAnyCharacter true, false false Allows accepting quoting of all characters using backslash quoting mechanism.
Read columnNameOfCorruptRecord Any string Value of spark.sql.column&NameOfCorruptRecord Allows renaming the new field having a malformed string created by permissive mode. This will override the configuration value.
Read multiLine true, false false Allows for reading in non-line-delimited JSON files."json").option("mode", "FAILFAST")\
  .option("inferSchema", "true")\


Parquet Files๐Ÿ”—

  • Parquet is an open source column-oriented data store that provides a variety of storage optimizations, especially for analytics workloads. It provides columnar compression, which saves storage space and allows for reading individual columns instead of entire files
  • It is a file format that works exceptionally well with Apache Spark and is in fact the default file format. It is recommended writing data out to Parquet for long-term storage because reading from a Parquet file will always be more efficient than JSON or CSV.
  • Another advantage of Parquet is that it supports complex types
Read/Write Key Potential Values Default Description
Write compression or codec None, uncompressed, bzip2, deflate, gzip, lz4, or snappy None Declares what compression codec Spark should use to read or write the file.
Read mergeSchema true, false Value of the configuration spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema You can incrementally add columns to newly written Parquet files in the same table/folder. Use this option to enable or disable this feature."parquet")\


ORC Files๐Ÿ”—

ORC is self-describing, type-aware columnar file format designed for Hadoop workloads. It is optmized for large streaming reads but with integrated support for finding rows quickly.

ORC actually has no options for reading in data because Spark understands the file format quite well."orc").load("/data/flight-data/orc/2010-summary.orc").show(5)


SQL Databases๐Ÿ”—

  • SQL datasources are one of the more powerful connectors because there are variety of systems to which we can connect to.
  • We can even connect to SQLite
  • To read and write from these databases, you need to do two things: include the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver for you particular database on the spark classpath, and provide the proper JAR for the driver itself. For example, to be able to read and write from PostgreSQL, you might run something like this:
./bin/spark-shell \
--driver-class-path postgresql-9.4.1207.jar \
--jars postgresql-9.4.1207.jar
Property Name Meaning
url The JDBC URL to which to connect. The source-specific connection properties can be specified in the URL; for example, jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test?user=fred&password=secret.
dbtable The JDBC table to read. Note that anything that is valid in a FROM clause of a SQL query can be used. For example, instead of a full table you could also use a subquery in parentheses.
driver The class name of the JDBC driver to use to connect to this URL.
partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound If any one of these options is specified, then all others must be set as well. In addition, numPartitions must be specified. These properties describe how to partition the table when reading in parallel from multiple workers. partitionColumn must be a numeric column from the table in question. Notice that lowerBound and upperBound are used only to decide the partition stride, not for filtering the rows in the table. Thus, all rows in the table will be partitioned and returned. This option applies only to reading.
numPartitions The maximum number of partitions that can be used for parallelism in table reading and writing. This also determines the maximum number of concurrent JDBC connections. If the number of partitions to write exceeds this limit, we decrease it to this limit by calling coalesce(numPartitions) before writing.
fetchsize The JDBC fetch size, which determines how many rows to fetch per round trip. This can help performance on JDBC drivers, which default to low fetch size (e.g., Oracle with 10 rows). This option applies only to reading.
batchsize The JDBC batch size, which determines how many rows to insert per round trip. This can help performance on JDBC drivers. This option applies only to writing. The default is 1000.
isolationLevel The transaction isolation level, which applies to current connection. It can be one of NONE, READ_COMMITTED, READ_UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ, or SERIALIZABLE, corresponding to standard transaction isolation levels defined by JDBCโ€™s Connection object. The default is READ_UNCOMMITTED. This option applies only to writing. For more information, refer to the documentation in java.sql.Connection.
truncate This is a JDBC writer-related option. When SaveMode.Overwrite is enabled, Spark truncates an existing table instead of dropping and re-creating it. This can be more efficient, and it prevents the table metadata (e.g., indices) from being removed. However, it will not work in some cases, such as when the new data has a different schema. The default is false. This option applies only to writing.
createTableOptions This is a JDBC writer-related option. If specified, this option allows setting of database-specific table and partition options when creating a table (e.g., CREATE TABLE t (name string) ENGINE=InnoDB). This option applies only to writing.
createTableColumnTypes The database column data types to use instead of the defaults, when creating the table. Data type information should be specified in the same format as CREATE TABLE columns syntax (e.g., โ€œname CHAR(64), comments VARCHAR(1024)โ€). The specified types should be valid Spark SQL data types. This option applies only to writing.

Reading from SQL Database๐Ÿ”—

driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC"
path = "/data/flight-data/jdbc/my-sqlite.db"
url = "jdbc:sqlite:" + path
tablename = "flight_info"

After defining connection property we can test database connection.

import java.sql.DriverManager
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url)
# SQLite
dbDataFrame ="jdbc").option("url", url)\
  .option("dbtable", tablename).option("driver",  driver).load()

# Postgres
pgDF ="jdbc")\
  .option("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver")\
  .option("url", "jdbc:postgresql://database_server")\
  .option("dbtable", "schema.tablename")\
  .option("user", "username").option("password", "my-secret-password").load()

Query Pushdown๐Ÿ”—

  • Spark makes a best-effort attempt to filter data in the database itself before creating the DataFrame"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").distinct().explain
== Physical Plan ==
*HashAggregate(keys=[DEST_COUNTRY_NAME#8108], functions=[])
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(DEST_COUNTRY_NAME#8108, 200)
   +- *HashAggregate(keys=[DEST_COUNTRY_NAME#8108], functions=[])
      +- *Scan JDBCRelation(flight_info) [numPartitions=1] ...
  • Spark can do better than this on certain queries. if we specify a filter on out DF, Spark will push that filter down into database
dbDataFrame.filter("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME in ('Anguilla', 'Sweden')").explain()

== Physical Plan ==
*Scan JDBCRel... PushedFilters: [*In(DEST_COUNTRY_NAME, [Anguilla,Sweden])],

Spark canโ€™t translate all of its own functions into the functions available in the SQL database in which youโ€™re working. Therefore, sometimes youโ€™re going to want to pass an entire query into your SQL that will return the results as a DataFrame.

# in Python
pushdownQuery = """(SELECT DISTINCT(DEST_COUNTRY_NAME) FROM flight_info)
  AS flight_info"""
dbDataFrame ="jdbc")\
  .option("url", url).option("dbtable", pushdownQuery).option("driver",  driver)\

Reading from databases in parallel๐Ÿ”—

  • spark has an underlying algorithm that can read multiple files into one partition or conversly depending onthe file size and splittability of file type and compression.
  • same flexibility exists with files, SQL databases, defining partition numbers allows you to limit read/write parallel capacity.
dbDataFrame ="jdbc")\
  .option("url", url).option("dbtable", tablename).option("driver",  driver)\
  .option("numPartitions", 10).load()

# this will still be 1 partition as there is not enough data"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").distinct().show()
  • We can explicitly push predicates down into SQL databases through the connection itself. This optimization allows you to control the physical location of certain data in certain partitions by specifying predicates
props = {"driver":"org.sqlite.JDBC"}
predicates = [
  "DEST_COUNTRY_NAME = 'Anguilla' OR ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME = 'Anguilla'"], tablename, predicates=predicates, properties=props).show(),tablename,predicates=predicates,properties=props)\
  .rdd.getNumPartitions() # 2

If you specify predicates that are not disjoint, you can end up with lots of duplicate rows.

Partitioning based on a sliding window๐Ÿ”—

  • partition based on predicates
colName = "count"
lowerBound = 0L
upperBound = 348113L # this is the max count in our database
numPartitions = 10, tablename, column=colName, properties=props,
                lowerBound=lowerBound, upperBound=upperBound,
                numPartitions=numPartitions).count() # 255

Writing to SQL Databases๐Ÿ”—

newPath = "jdbc:sqlite://tmp/my-sqlite.db"
csvFile.write.jdbc(newPath, tablename, mode="overwrite", properties=props)

Text Files๐Ÿ”—

  • each line becomes a record in the DataFrame.
  • suppose that you need to parse some Apache log files to some more structured format, or perhaps you want to parse some plain text for natural-language processing. Text files make a great argument for the Dataset API due to its ability to take advantage of the flexibility of native types."/data/flight-data/csv/2010-summary.csv")
  .selectExpr("split(value, ',') as rows").show()"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME").write.text("/tmp/simple-text-file.txt")

# if we are performing some partitioning when performing write, we can write more columns,
# However, those columns will manifest as directories in the folder to which youโ€™re writing out to, instead of columns on every single file

csvFile.limit(10).select("DEST_COUNTRY_NAME", "count")\

Advanced I/O Concepts๐Ÿ”—

we can control the parallelism of files that we write by controlling the partitions prior to writing.

Splittable File Types and Compression๐Ÿ”—

  • certain file formats are fundamentally splittable. Improves performance as Spark can avoid reading whole file and access the required parts of the file necessary for query.
  • In conjuction with this is a need to manage compression. Not all compression schemes are splittable.
  • Recommended is Parquet with gzip compression.

Reading Data in Parallel๐Ÿ”—

  • multiple executors cannot read from same file at same time necessary but can read different files at the same time. When you read from a folder with multiple files in it, each of those files become partition in your dataFrame and be read in available executors in parallel.

Writing Data in Parallel๐Ÿ”—

  • Number of files or data written is dependent on the number of partitions the DataFrame has at the time you write out the data.
  • By default , one file is written per partition of the data.

ls /tmp/multiple.csv



Partitioning is a tool that allows you to control what data is stored as you write it. When you write a file to a partitioned directory (table), you basically encode a column as a folder.

This allows skip lots of data when we read it in later, allowing to read in only the data relevant to your problem instead of having to scan entire dataset.


$ ls /tmp/partitioned-files.parquet

DEST_COUNTRY_NAME=Equatorial Guinea/

This is probably the lowest-hanging optimization that you can use when you have a table that readers frequently filter by before manipulating. For instance, date is particularly common for a partition because, downstream, often we want to look at only the previous weekโ€™s data (instead of scanning the entire list of records). This can provide massive speedups for readers.


  • we can control the data that is specifically written to each file.
  • This can avoid shuffles later when we read the data because data with the same bucket ID will be grouped together in one physical partition.
  • This means that the data is prepartitioned according to how you expect to use that data later on, meaning you can avoid expensive shuffles when joining or aggregating.
  • Rather than partitioning on a specific column (which might write out a ton of directories), itโ€™s probably worthwhile to explore bucketing the data instead. This will create a certain number of files and organize our data into those โ€œbucketsโ€
val numberBuckets = 10
val columnToBucketBy = "count"
  .bucketBy(numberBuckets, columnToBucketBy).saveAsTable("bucketedFiles")

$ ls /user/hive/warehouse/bucketedfiles/


Writing Complex Types๐Ÿ”—

Although Spark can work with all of these types, not every single type works well with every data file format. For instance, CSV files do not support complex types, whereas Parquet and ORC do.

Managing File Size๐Ÿ”—

  • Managing file sizes is an important factor not so much for writing data but reading it later on
  • due to small file problem Spark, HDFS etc doesnโ€™t do well. If file are too large then also things become inefficient
  • we can use maxRecordsPerFile to optimize file sizes based on records size. df.write.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 5000)