A talk with OldCoder aka Robert Kiraly🔗
Study: What should a Linux FOSS developer learn?🔗
Q. Suppose that somebody is interested in Linux FOSS development for startup or employment purposes. Or just to be able to create or participate in FOSS projects. What should a related course of study include?
A. I'll assume that this is about building a broad foundation as opposed to a focus on a specialty.
The answers are:
- Code Languages
- Data Languages
- Source Code Management
- Build Systems
- Standard Servers
- Containers and Virtual Machines
These topics are discussed in the following sections.
Code Languages🔗
This is a summary of my own languages experience from 2012:
Perl, Python, PHP. Standard but you 'C', I also Lisp FORTRAN rocks and TeX rolls It's fun to assemble
JavaScript, Forth, Pascal, Bash Bash is a smash People should not trash Bash is a smash
Tcl/Tk: people disrespect it a bit but with me it's a hit Java is not JavaScript Lua how'ja Dua
Octave and Matlab not the same Close enough there's no shame SQL What the Hell Several versions
I'd recommend the following to new developers in 2021:
Learn 'C' (not C++), Perl 5, Python 3, PHP 7 and 8, JavaScript (both traditional and "node.js"), Lua and Tcl (they might go well together), and Bash. Later on, Go (Google's replacement for C++).
Java is a good teaching language. I'm referring to Java, the pure language, as opposed to JNI. Java is the modern Pascal. It's so strict that, if a student is able to get a program to build, it's likely to run.
I don't recommend focusing on Java or going too deep into the Java ecosystem.
The Java ecosystem is like the MS-Windows world: It's a foreign city actually, a city on another planet -- where everything down to the plumbing is different. You'd visit the city and learn the new culture and myriad different ways of doing things only if you planned to live there.
Learn enough C++ to be able to patch C++ programs based on 'C' knowledge.
Avoid Rust and Ruby. Reasons for dislike of C++, Rust, and Ruby are a separate discussion.
If you work at a Windows house, you'll want to pick up both DOS CLI and PowerShell.
If possible, avoid the major MS languages and frameworks such as C# and .NET. The reason is the same as discussed above in connection with Java.
At some Windows houses, you'll be able to work in Linux-like environments and use "gcc", Perl, and other FOSS languages much as though you were using Linux.
Data Languages🔗
Be familiar with SQL, JSON, YAML, and XML. Plus HTML 5 and CSS 3 for webdev. Note that HTML 5 is a type of XML. Learn enough CSS 3 that you're able to write responsive web pages.
You should be familiar with CSV but that one is really just a trivial format.
Source Code Management🔗
Learn "git". There are other systems of this type, but "git" is the one to start with.
Build Systems🔗
You don't need to learn to work in a build system; i.e., how to write build scripts. However, you do need to learn how to use them to build programs.
The two most important build systems are "autotools" (also known as "autohell") and "meson-ninja". "cmake" is a candidate for 3rd place.
"autotools" was dominant for years. It was, and remains, horrible. Different releases are incompatible. A tool that's designed to help with this (autoupdate) doesn't work. The system as a whole is as slow as molasses and often breaks for reasons that are difficult to debug and fix.
In response to this, "meson" and "ninja" have arisen. This is a pair of programs that work together to build programs quickly and efficiently.
"cmake" was an earlier attempt to escape the horror that is "auto-tools". I don't like "cmake" because it's often unable to find libraries and what to do about this isn't clear.
We'll discuss the three systems in greater detail further down.
Standard Servers🔗
A developer should have a fair understanding of what DNS is and how it works. For basic development boxes, "dnsmasq" is the recommended DNS server. Setup instructions are provided elsewhere in this document. For more advanced use cases, it may be necessary to set up "named". "named" is beyond the scope of this discussion.
It's also important to be familiar with web server setup.
A web server is, of course, any server that supports the "http" and/or "https" protocols. There are many such servers. The ability to do this is, for example, a standard part of most Perl, Python, and PHP installations.
The two most important web server programs -- i.e., programs dedicated to the purpose -- are "nginx" (aka Engine X) and Apache 2.
Apache 2 isn't bad. However, it's complicated and resource-intensive compared to "nginx". The recommendation is to use "nginx" instead of Apache 2 where possible.
In some cases, FOSS software packages require Apache 2. It should be possible, in a subset of the cases, to run "nginx" as the primary web server and to relay requests for Apache 2 pages to a copy of Apache 2 running behind the scenes.
FWIW: As of 2021, "nginx" and Apache 2 are basically tied in terms of market share.
"nginx's" features include:
* Uses much less RAM than Apache 2 * Much faster than Apache 2 * Reverse proxy with caching * Mail proxy (supports TLS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP) * IPV6 * Load balancing
A third FOSS web server that is worth mentioning is "lighttpd". "lighttpd" is also known as "Lighty" (a name that is certainly easier to pronounce).
"Lighty's" claims to fame are as follows:
- It's both venerable and maintained. The program dates back to 2003 but a new release was made in 2021.
- It's lightweight and quite fast.
"nginx" is recommended for general use cases, but "Lighty" is useful for some purposes.
A Linux FOSS developer should know how to configure SSH both on the client side and on the server side.
There are two major SSH server programs: OpenSSH and Dropbear. OpenSSH setup is discussed elsewhere in this document. Dropbear notes will be added.
On the client side, the primary SSH configuration file is "$HOME/.ssh/config". Notes related to that file will be added.
An understanding of SSH key pairs is advisable. A few notes related to key pairs are included elsewhere in this document.
Virtual Machines🔗
In the modern FOSS world, an understanding of containers and virtual machines is a must.
A virtual machine (or VM) is simply a PC or other computer that isn't real. I.e, it isn't hardware by itself. It consists partly or entirely of software.
In the classical form, a virtual machine is a program that interprets machine instructions and thereby fools an application into believing that it's running on a compatible machine. The machine doesn't actually exist.
The game device emulators that started to appear in the 1990s -- MAME is an important example -- were of this type.
It can be more complicated these days. In some cases, a virtual machine may have access to the underlying real machine's hardware. The access is, however, controlled.
A "VPS" is simply a virtual machine that is rented out, usually on a monthly or annual basis. Typically, it offers WAN access and a static WAN IPV4. So, it's useful for server hosting purposes.
Virtual machines require lots of resources to run. Containers are a lightweight alternative.
A container looks, to some extent, like a virtual machine. It has its own operating system and filesystem. So, for example, you can have a Debian PC and boot a container on the PC that runs Fedora instead of Debian.
Terminology: The OS that runs a virtual machine or container is referred to as the "host OS" or simply as the "host". The OS that runs on a virtual machine or in a container is referred to as the "guest OS" or simply as the "guest".
Containers are more limited than virtual machines in two key respects: (a) There is no virtual hardware. (b) The same kernel needs to be used by the host OS and the guest OS.
So, a guest running on a Linux host must run Linux and the two Linuxes must be the same in terms of kernel and machine type.
The trade-off is that containers are essentially zero cost in terms of resources -- i.e., disk space, RAM, and CPU -- except for the resources that a guest OS actually uses. No machine per se is emulated, so there is no cost for that.
Additionally, containers don't need to emulate entire OSes. They can be set up so as to perform specific tasks such as running one type of server.
Container Software🔗
Important container tools include "docker", "lxd", "podman", and "kubernetes".
You probably wouldn't seek to learn "kubernetes" without a reason to do so. It's powerful but complicated.
"docker" was a must-know for a few years. However, there's an alternative named "podman" now that may be a better option. "podman" is discussed elsewhere in this document.
"lxd" is useful but not a must-know presently for the generalist developer.
VM Software🔗
The most important FOSS virtual machine systems are QEMU and Virtual Box OSE.
QEMU is the one to focus on.
VirtualBox OSE has a polished and friendly GUI. However, it's part of a commercial package and license issues are a problem in some contexts.
Additionally, VirtualBox OSE is highly fragile, it requires Qt5 (which is problematic in multiple respects), and it can be nearly impossible to build.
QEMU is very simple to use for simple use cases. It also doesn't have as many license issues.
For more advanced use cases -- for example, those involving complicated network setups -- QEMU commands can require some effort to figure out.
You'll want to learn to use a system called SPICE with QEMU. SPICE is needed to get "copy and paste" working between host and guest. It implements other features as well.
Some developers use a framework named "libvirt" to set up QEMU operations. I prefer direct control of things and to avoid extra layers of machinery where possible. So, QEMU commands can be complicated but I prefer to write them than to deal with the machinery introduced by "libvirt".
There's a tool named "vagrant" that is sometimes used to manage remote VMs from the command line. I like "vagrant" but it's difficult to build, so I've dropped it.
CMS Recommendations🔗
Drupal: Not advised for individuals or small organizations.
Drupal could be thought of as a powerful analogue to WordPress. It has impressive features and is a respected CMS. However, it's huge and complicated. A startup or small business that uses Drupal might find itself trapped in technical debt.
Joomla: Not advised for individuals or small organizations.
Joomla is a competitor to Drupal. It offers similar advantages relative to WordPress. I don't see a clear winner between Joomla and Drupal. Some reviewers feel that Joomla is more polished, but Drupal may offer features to balance this.
WordPress: WordPress is O.K. for non-tech would-be CEOs. It isn't for developers who'd like to do things quickly and efficiently. Especially not CLI developers.
Don't deprecate WordPress. It fills a niche and does it well. A large part of the Web is on WordPress. However, it's bulky, awkward and clumsy to work with. Additionally, the resulting websites are slower than what you get with lightweight approaches.
This said, for a small startup or business, WordPress is probably preferable to Drupal or Joomla.
Jekyll: You can use Jekyll "to host [static] sites right from your GitHub repositories". That's a nice feature. However, there are some negatives:
- It's written in, and requires, Ruby. That isn't a plus.
- Its use case is, to some extent, integration with Github (even though Github isn't required).
- It involves more of an ecosystem than I like to see for this type of application. I prefer software that doesn't require as much commit- ment.
- It's slow for large sites.
Hugo: Hugo offers a number of pluses:
- It's 35 times faster than Jekyll. Repeat, 35 times.
- Hugo is a compiled Go application -- hence the name Hugo -- and this means both speed and fewer problems related to fiddling with an interpreter.
- Hugo is easier to set up than Jekyll is.
- It supports more data languages than Jekyll does.
- Like Jekyll, files are stored as text as opposed to database.
- Like Jekyll, a development server is provided.
- Hugo can generate and/or post-process CSS and JS code.
- It supports menus, XML sitemaps, and RSS/ATOM feeds.
- It can import Jekyll sites.
Hugo is obviously a winner in this space. There are only two arguments against it that I can see:
- It's for static sites only as opposed to dynamic sites.
- I prefer something simpler for basic use cases. This brings us to the final options below.
Lightweight tools: I prefer lightweight site-creation tools.
I use both (a) my own site language translator, "Haggis", and (b) a markdown to HTML translator that I've started to write. Haggis supports dynamic pages. The MD to HTML translator is static-only but very easy to use.
There are publicly released FOSS projects in the same space. For example, review Pico:
Pico supports static sites out of the box. Additionally, if you don't mind learning a related framework named "Twig", you can add dynamic content.
For basic use cases, these tools are good because they're simple and easy to use, they don't require a commitment to an ecosystem, and they're often easy to tweak.
Four recommendations:
- Try Pico for static sites and sites that need a small amount of dyn- amic content.
- Try Hugo for static sites that need more "oomph".
- For sites that are primarily dynamic in nature, it might be better to skip CMS and work in one of the following: Perl 5, Python 3, PHP 7 or 8, or "node.js".
- If you need a dynamic site quickly and a matching template site in your preferred language isn't available, WordPress is acceptable as a fallback option.
Use of autohell
The sources for an "autohell"-based FOSS program may include a "configure" script written in Bash. To use such a script, one typically executes it as follows:
mkdir -p /opt/moocow
bash ./configure \
--prefix=/opt/moocow \
--disable-dependency-tracking \
--enable-shared=yes \
This procedure, ideally, creates a "Makefile" which can be used to build and install the program. Additional option switches may or may not be required.
The sources may include a "" file instead of "configure". In this case, one must use "" to create "configure", then use "configure" to create "Makefile".
The procedure used to go from "" to "configure" varies from program to program. Sometimes, the following command will work:
autoreconf -fi
Scripts with names such as "autogen", "", or "bootstrap" may be provided. These scripts typically will create "configure" for you.
In some cases, these scripts may run "configure" automatically after "configure" is created. In the latter case, the developer must provide the required "configure" switches to these scripts instead of to "configure".
If a FOSS project is old, its existing "configure" script may not work. In such cases, one hopes that "" is also provided and uses "" to rebuild "configure". That procedure often fails with obscure error messages.
With luck, "autotools" will disappear soon. It won't be missed.
Use of meson-ninja
"meson-ninja" projects are easy to build except for one tricky part that we'll come back to. One proceeds as follows:
a. Python 3 is required and must be accessible by PATH.
b. Install dependencies.
c. Go to the appropriate source directory. This is the directory that contains "". Execute a script similar to the following:
mkdir -p /opt/moocow
rm -fr build
mkdir build
meson build -D prefix=/opt/moocow
cd build
if [ \! -f ]; then exit 1; fi
meson configure
ninja || ninja
ninja install
That's it, in many cases, except for the tricky part mentioned before. You may need to add more option switches to the "meson build" command. The tricky part is determining the format of the option switches. Sometimes, you'll need to specify "true" or "false" to enable or disable a feature. Other times, you'll need to specify "enabled" or "disabled" instead.
To find out the option switches that are supported for a particular program and whether to use "true-false" or "enabled-disabled" instead, look for a file named "meson_options.txt" and review the contents of that file.
Some examples:
- This is my "meson build" command for "tracker-sparql"
- A build of "libvirt" is more complicated:
problem :
There is one problem with "meson-ninja" that makes it impossible to use for some purposes: The "meson-ninja" developers chose to make the build system strip one type of information, "rpath", from executables at "install" time. This was insanity. However, the following simple patch to "meson" fixes the problem:
--- meson-0.57.0.old/mesonbuild/
+++ meson-0.57.0/mesonbuild/
@@ -319,7 +319,8 @@
def fix_rpath(self, *args: T.Any, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None:
if not self.dry_run:
- depfixer.fix_rpath(*args, **kwargs)
+ # depfixer.fix_rpath (*args, **kwargs)
+ print ("meson: rpath changes at install time disabled")
def set_chown(self, *args: T.Any, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None:
if not self.dry_run:
Use of cmake
"cmake" is used as follows:
a. "cmake" must be accessible by PATH.
b. Install dependencies.
c. Go to the appropriate source directory. This is highest-level directory that contains a "CMakeLists.txt" file. Execute a script similar to the following:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
make && make install
This is obviously simple. The problem is that, if a problem such as not being able to find a library occurs, it may be difficult to figure out and fix.